FairMormon conference 2018

People have asked about the 2018 FairMormon conference. I've attended in the past, but this year doesn't appeal to me. If you look at the list of reasons they give for attending, I could accomplish much more by using the entrance fee at Costco to get my own red vines and peppermint patties:

  1. Hear from and meet famous scholars. And not-so-famous scholars.
  2. Learn how to respond to critics in a kind but informative way.
  3. Get a front-row seat to any drama if the conference is crashed by hostile anti-Mormons and the Danites have to be called in.
  4. Hear six female scholars speak.
  5. There will be Red Vines! And possibly York Peppermint Patties.
  6. Dan. Peterson. Is. Speaking.
  7. Enjoy an accessible scholarly experience.
  8. Get the conference discount in the bookstore and get your books signed by their authors.
  9. Come hear what General Authority Seventy Elder Kevin W. Pearson has to say.
  10. See if Steven Harper or Brad Wilcox draws the most people.
  11. Strengthen your testimony.
  12. Red Vines! And Dan Peterson!

My comments:

#1. It's always great to hear from and meet scholars, but everyone on this list suffers from Mesomania or they wouldn't be allowed to speak. Even if they're not speaking on Book of Mormon historicity and geography, they toe the party line. FairMormon presents illusory scholarship that doesn't allow any ideas that aren't approved by the M2C citation cartel.

#2. The anti-Mormon "critics" couldn't care less what FairMormon has to say at this point because FairMormon is far more effective at undermining faith in the Book of Mormon than any anti-Mormon critic is. FairMormon is a group of Fifth Columnists that teach members of the Church to disbelieve the prophets because of their Mesomania.

#3. The idea that any anti-Mormons are going to crash the conference is laughable. If anything, anti-Mormons encourage people to attend this conference.

#4. Six out of 22 speakers are women, which is great. Their topics look interesting. The other session I'd like to attend is Steven Harper's on the writing of the new Church history book titled Saints.

As I've noted several times, the book Saints is being edited by revisionist Church historians who are methodically re-writing Church history to accommodate Mesomania. They are deleting all original references to the New York Cumorah. They are not explaining the two sets of plates that Joseph translated. They are teaching that Joseph didn't use the plates when he translated, a theory built upon anti-Mormon sou
rces that also ignores what Oliver Cowdery and Lucy Mack Smith specifically stated. They are omitting Letter VII from the record. They will attribute the anonymous 1842 Times and Seasons articles to Joseph Smith.

In my view, the book Saints will further erode faith among members of the Church and will deter sincere investigation of the Church by people who know how these revisionist LDS historians are actively re-writing Church history.

I won't comment on the rest except to say I can get more red vines at Smith's or Costco.


  1. I was pleased to learn that, despite your dismissive blog post, you still attended the FairMormon conference this year. Thanks for having an open mind; I hope the presentations were informative and the socializing pleasant.


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